Education Committee
The Education Committee is committed to planning and providing valuable and relevant learning opportunities to improve business, increase profit, and stay current with industry standards and codes.
Annual Gala & Award Ceremony
This dedicated team aims to produce a bigger and better celebration each year. This event is where we honor our Association, induct new officers and award the best in our area.
Golf Committee
Dedicated to the HBRAECT Annual Golf Tournament held each May, this group knows how to par-tee! Celebrating a sold out tournament each year, this group works tirelessly to secure sponsorships, golfers, and raffles to create an unforgettable day on the course.
Membership Committee
This essential team investigates and actively recruits prospective new members to our Association for the purpose of growing our membership. These individuals act as hosts and ambassadors at our events and strive to retain existing membership.
Government Affairs
Staying up to date on state and national legislature, and constantly advocating for the industry, this essential committee keeps membership informed on changing laws and changes
Lobster Fest
This group plans and coordinates the annual Lobster Fest, a networking feast overlooking Long Island Sound.