“My company’s association with HBRAECT has contributed to our business growth over the last couple years. Being an active member has helped me to personally grow and enhance my leadership skills. By attending monthly networking events, educational sessions, the annual golf tournament, and more, I have made my services known to a large number of members and we refer each other all the time.”
– David Preka, The Advanced Group (Builder Member for 10 years)
Though we’ve been a Connecticut family-owned business for over 60 years, we had little presence in Eastern Connecticut. I knew the success of the New London branch would depend on builders, architects and designers. Since joining the Association, about 50% of our business comes from fellow members – builders and associates alike.
– Jennifer Price, Tile America (Associate Member for 7 years)
“The NAHB is by far the best place to keep informed about what is happening in the housing industry. As important as it is to know what may be changing that can affect our ability to do business, the ability to work together to affect change to preserve and promote our industry is something no one business can accomplish alone. Education, Advocacy and Networking are the focus points of this organization. For me, it is hard to think of a successful business model that does not include our Home Builder’s Association.”
– Nort Wheeler, Mystic River Building Company (Builder Member for 34 years)